Chapter 3 BCM50 Management Environment 65
BCM50 Administration Guide
Figure 15 Launch BCM Monitor button

BCM50 feature licensing

You require a keycode to enable software features on the BCM. The keycode is a 24-digit code
that authenticates the feature or bundle of features you purchased for your BCM50.
To obtain and load a keycode you require the following:
authorization code for the desired feature to demonstrate proof of ownership
system ID of the system to which you want to apply the new feature
The authorization code is a six-digit code you receive for each of the features you purchase. The
authorization code can be found on the label affixed to the “Keycode information sheet” on the last
page of the Keycode Installation Guide (NN40010-301).
Figure 16 on page 66 shows the Element Manager keycode panel. See the Keycode Installation
Guide (NN40010-301) for details on BCM50 keycodes.
Note: You receive one keycode whether you purchase one feature or a bundle of
features. You receive an authorization code for each feature you purchase. For
example, if you have one feature, you receive one authorization code and one
keycode. If you purchase four features, you rece ive four authorization codes and
one keycode .