Chapter 4 BCM50 Security Policies and Accounts and Privileges 77
BCM50 Administration Guide
Challenge key Specifies an alphanumeric key. This key is part of the access
information your service technician requires to remotely access
your system. Default: trust no one.
If you change the default string, retain a record of the new string
so that Nortel Technical Support can access your system
during a support service call.
This key must be at least one character long to allow Nortel
support operation.
Hide Challenge Key check box When checked, displays asterisks to hide the characters used
in the challenge key. Default: not checked.
Local Authentication Policy tab
Credential Complexity
Credential Type Element Manager:
Telset: Numeric
Specifies the variety of characters an alphanumeric password
must have. The required number of each type is defined by the
complexity level.
Note: User IDs are not case-sensitive.
Telset interface passwords must be numerical. Password
complexity for these passwords defines how many unique digits
are required.
Minimum User ID
Element Manager:
Alphanumeric 1-32
Telset: Numeric 1-16
Specifies the minimum number of characters that the system
requires for each type of credential.
Minimum password
Element Manager:
Alphanumeric 1-32
Telset: Numeric 1-16
Specifies the minimum number of characters that must be
entered for a new password.
Note: Alphanumeric passwords are case-sensitive.
Note: This setting must be the same as or greater than the
complexity level setting.
Example: If you have a complexity level of two, two different
types of characters or two unique numbers, the password must
be at least two characters long.
Complexity Level
(Element Manager)
Defines the number of character types required for an
alphanumeric password. Default: 3
0: No complexity checks
1: only one character type is required
2: at least two character types are required
3: at least three character types are required.
4: all four character types are required.
5: prevent consecutive numbering.
Note: A password complexity higher than 0 will ensure that the
user name is not used as the password. Check minimum length
setting to ensure that it is equal to or greater than the
complexity level.
Password complexity consists of the following types:
upper case alphabet (English)
lower case alphabet (English)
westernized Arabic numbers
non-alphanumeric characters ($, !, %, ^, period, comma)
Table 17 Security Policies fields (Continued)
Attribute Value Description