316 Chapter 12 Managing BCM50 Logs
11 Click the Save button.
The file is saved.

Extracting log files

Once you have transferred log files using the Element Manager or the BCM50 Web page, you can
extract the log files using the Element Manager Log Browser. The log files must be extracted from
the log archive before you can view them using the Element Manager Log Browser.
Before you extract log files, create a folder in your directory for each archive and then follow the
procedure below to extract the archive into the appropriate folder.

To extract log files using the Element Manager

1Left-click a network element. The network element may be connected or disconnected.
2Select File > View Network Element Logs.
The View Log File window opens.
3Select the directory or location that contains the transferred BCM50 log file tar archive.
4Select Network Element log archives (*.tar) in the File of Type field.
5Select the archive file, and then click the Open button.
A confirmation dialog box opens.
6Click the Ye s button to extract the contents of the zipped file.
A message dialog box opens and displays a success or error message for each extracted file.