Chapter 4 BCM50 Security Policies and Accounts and Privileges 117
BCM50 Administration Guide
View by Accounts: History
The History panel provides user account and login histories and account control settings.
Table 28 describes each field on this panel.
View by Accounts: Group Membership
The Group Membership panel allows you to associate the user account with one or more
functional groups. The user will have all the privileges assigned to each group that is added to the
Table 29 describes each field on this panel.
Table 28 View by Accounts: History fields
Attribute Value Description
Account history
Account created
Created by
read-only Specifies the date that the user record was added.
Specifies the userID of the person who added the user account.
Last Modified
Modified by
read-only Specifies the date the user record was last modified.
Specifies the userID of the person who last modified the account.
Login history
Last successful login read-only Specifies the date the user last successfully logged on to either the
Element Manager.
Failed login count read-only Specifies the number of times the user tried and failed to log on before
successfully logging in or being locked out. If the count matches the
failed login threshold, a value of true is displayed in the Locked Out
column on the Accounts table.
Last failed login read-only Specifies the date that the user last tried and failed to logon.
From read-only Element Manager: Displays the IP address of the Element Manager
Telset login history
Last successful login read-only Specifies the date the user last successfully logged on to Telset.
Failed login count read-only Specifies the number of times the user tried and failed to log on before
successfully logging in or being locked out. If the count matches the
failed login threshold, a value of true is displayed in the Locked Out
column on the Accounts table.
Last failed login read-only Specifies the date that the user last tried and failed to logon.
From read-only Telset: Displays the DN of the telephone used to log into the system.
Table 29 Group membership fields
Attribute Value Description
Account is
Member of
Default groups Lists groups the user is a member of. Refer to “Default groups”
on page 99 for a list of the default groups and the privileges
associated with each.
Note: Groups are added, modified or deleted from the “View by
Groups” on page 118 panel.