Chapter 4 BCM50 Security Policies and Accounts and Privileges 99
BCM50 Administration Guide
Default passwords
The following table lists the available default passwords for the Element Manager interface, the
telset interface, and the voice mail interface.
*This account is not created by default. You must add a voicemail account using F9*8.
New accounts are created from the startup profile with a default password of Time4Chg!
Default groups
The BCM comes with a number of default read-only groups that provide a predetermined set of
access privileges. You can assign additional privileges to groups. Table 22 lists the default
privilege levels for each default group, which are described in “Default access privileges
excluding set-based privileges” on page 101 and “Telset access security” on page 109.
Table 21 Default passwords
User ID
password Telset ID
Default telset
password Function
Available at
nnadmin PlsChgMe! 738662 266344 Read-only installer/system
nnguest nnguest Read-only web-only access yes
738266 266344 Set-based installer level no
738727 727587 Set-based administration no
738236 23646 Set-based coordinator functions no
738227 22742 Set-based basic access no
voicemailadmin PlsChgMe! 738862 266344 Voicemail admin* no
– setup –– Router no
Security note: The default Administrator password has full access to the system. The
default password should be changed as soon as the initial system setup is complete and
system function is verified.
Table 22 Default user account groups
Group Name Privileges Notes
SBA Installer SBAInstaller
IP Set Registration
SBA - Installer group access privileges on page 110
IP Set Registration access privileges on page 102
SBA Coordinator+ SBASystemCoord SBA - System Coordinator+ group access privileges on page 110
SBA Coordinator SBASystemCoordBasic
SBA - System Coordinator group access privileges on page 110
Guests access privileges on page 105
SBA Basic SBABasic SBA - Basic group access privileges on page 110
Voice & Contact Center
VoiceMailAdmin Only access to voicemail/contact center administration if this is
the only group assigned to a user account.
Voice Mail & Contact Center access privileges on page 101.