Chapter 4 BCM50 Security Policies and Accounts and Privileges 115
BCM50 Administration Guide
Table 25 describes each field on the View by Accounts panel.
If you select a user on the Users list, two more panels appear in the lower frame:
• The General panel allows you to see the current status of the account. See “View by Accounts:
General” on page 116
• The Group Membership panel allows you to associate the account to group profiles, which
determines what type of access the user has. See “View by Accounts: Group Membership” on
page 117.
Table 25 View by Accounts fields
Attribute Value Description
User ID alphanumeric Displays the accounts by User ID
Telset User ID numeric Displays the accounts by Telset User ID
Locked Out checkbox Indicates whether or not the user has been locked out. When
checked, the user cannot access the system. This field
becomes checked when a user enters an incorrect password
too many times, and the system locks the user account.
The user either has to wait for the lockout timer to run out, or
an administrator can unlock the user’s access using
“Re-enable a locked-out user” on page 96.
Locked Out Telset checkbox Indicates whether or not the user has been locked out. When
checked, the user cannot access the system. This field
becomes checked when a user enters an incorrect password
too many times, and the system locks the user account.
The user either has to wait for the lockout timer to run out, or
an administrator can unlock the user’s access using
“Re-enable a locked-out user” on page 96.
Disabled checkbox Indicates whether a user account has been disabled. When
checked, the user cannot access the system. This field
becomes checked when the account expiry date is reached.
Refer to “Enabling and disabling an account” on page 96.
Add Opens the Add Account dialog box
Delete Deletes the selected user account
Modify Opens the Modify Account dialog box
Security note: You cannot delete the nnadmin user; therefore, ensure that you change
the default password as soon as possible after system setup. Keep a record of the
password in a safe place.