Chapter 3 BCM50 Management Environment 41
BCM50 Administration Guide
Connecting to a BCM50 element
Use the following steps to connect to your BCM50 once it is defined in the Element Manager:
1On the Network Elements tree, select the element to which you wish to connect by selecting
the IP address or element name as it appears in the Network Element tree.
Login fields appear in the Information panel.
2Enter your log in credentials for the BCM50 to which you are trying to connect.
3Perform one of the following tasks to connect to the BCM50:
• Click the Connect icon on the Icon toolbar
• Right-click on the IP address or element name and select Connect
The Element Manager attempts to connect to the selected element.
— If the connection is successful, Element Manager opens the Configuration and
Administration tabs associated to the selec ted device. See “Element Manager panels”
on page 51 for an explanation of the Element Manager screen layout.
— If the Element Manager fails to connect, an error message appears, describing the
connection problem. Correct the problem and perform the steps again. If you have a
recurring problem, contact Nortel Support for help in resolving the problem.
Disconnecting from an element
You can disconnect Element Manager from a BCM50 by using one of the following:
•Disconnecting in the Element Navigation Panel on page 41
•Disconnecting through the menu bar on page 42
Disconnecting in the Element Navigation Panel
1Right-click the IP address that you want to disconnect, in the Network Element Navigation
2Select Disconnect.
3Click Ye s in the Confirmation dialog box to confirm the disconnect request.