Appendix A Management Information Bases 345
BCM50 Administration Guide

Accessing, compiling, and installing MIB files

You access MIB files from the BCM50 Web Page. You can also access BCM50 MIB files as a
zipped file from the Nortel Customer Service Site.

To access MIB files from the BCM50 Web Page

1Go to the BCM50 Web Page.
2Click the Administration Applications link.
3Click BCM MIBs.
4Click Download Device MIBs.
A File Download dialog box displays.
5Click Save to download the file.

To access MIB files from the Nortel Customer Service Site

1In your browser, go to
The Nortel Customer Service Site home page opens.
If you used the direct link, the Technical Support page opens. Go to step 5.
2Select the Support & Training navigation menu, and then select Technical Support,
Software Downloads.
The Technical Support page opens. The Browse Product Support tab displays Product
Finder fields.
3In area 1, select Product Families from the selection field, and then select BCM from the
selection box.
4In area 2, select Business Communications Manager (BCM).
5In area 3, select Software.
6Click the Go link.
The Software tab opens.
7In the by Title/Number Keyword field, enter mib, and then press the Enter key.
A list of MIBs is displayed.
8In the Title column, click the BCM50 MIB link.
The Software Detail Information page opens.
9Right-click the BCM50 MIB link, and select Save Target As.
The File Download dialog box opens.
Note: You can use a MIB browser to load MIB information so that you
can browse the structure of a MIB. An example of a MIB browser is
Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM). Each MIB browser has its own
MIB compilation tool.