58 Chapter 3 BCM50 Management Environment

Using your keyboard to move around a table

Use the <Tab> key or the directional arrow keys on your keyboard to move around a table.

Saving programming records

You can create a programming file that contains the current settings of all or part of your Element
Manager data. These files can be saved in either HTML or Excel spreadsheet format. You can
access the programming record in the same way you access any other HTML file or by using
Excel, version 2002 or later, for the spreadsheet format.
A programming record that contains the factory default settings is available in Excel format from
the BCM web page.
<Tab> Each press moves the cursor to the field to the right. At the end of a
line, the next line is highlighted and the cursor continues moving to
the right.
<Shift><Tab> Each press moves the cursor to the field to the left. At the beginning
of a line, the previous line is highlighted and the cursor continues
moving to the left from the far-right field.
<Up><Down> Navigation tree: Moves cursor up/down one heading.
Non-table panels: Moves cursor up/down one heading.
Selected table: moves up/down one line.
<Left><Right> Moves cursor to the left/right of the cell. Note that this only works on
the currently-selected line.
<Shift><Enter> Moves forward through the list.
<Carriage Return> Selected field: brings up the drop-down box icon or the rotary list
Check box: selects or clears the check box.