Chapter 3 BCM50 Management Environment 43

BCM50 Administration Guide

Figure 3 Element Manager Window - no defined Elements

Table 3 lists and describes the initial Element Manager window.

Table 3 Initial Element Manager window attributes

Element Description
Title bar When you connect to a device, this area indicates the type of device (Nortel
Networks BCM50 Element Manager - Network Elements) and the IP address for
the connected device.
Menu bar The items on the menu bar are static, however, some items may be greyed out
at various stages.
File This menu provides two selections:
Exit: a standard exit prompt that closes the Element Manager application.
You can also click on the X box on the upper right corner of the window or
click Ctrl-X
View Network Element Logs: opens a dialog box that allows you to search for
and to view logs that are available for the connected element.
View This menu provides three selections:
Preferences: Allows you to choose a different appearance for the Element
Manager window.
Network Elements: Enabled by default. If you uncheck this setting, the
Network Elements panel closes (far left panel). This does not disconnect any
connected device.
Refresh (F5): Allows you to refresh the data shown on the window.