Chapter 3 BCM50 Management Environment 51
BCM50 Administration Guide
Element Manager panels
The BCM50 Element Manager Configuration and Administration trees group the various tasks and
functions required to configure the BCM50 or perform administrative tasks. When either the
Configuration tab or the Administration tab is selected, the associated task tree provides access to
the information required to complete the tasks. For example, all tasks in the Configuration tab are
configuration tasks, organized by workflow. Various types of administrative tasks are presented in
the Administration tab, such as monitoring alarms or performing backups.
Some tasks have multiple tabs within the Information panel. Information on the panels may be
grouped by related information or tasks.
Repetitive information such as line programming, DN programming, and system speed dial is
displayed in table format in the Element Manager. These tables allow you to change the data
display, apply filtering, sort data, or copy information between cells. If there is additional
information or configuration details available for a selected item in the table, an associated details
panel for the selected row appears below the table.
Trunk Module Metrics Run loopback test on trunk modules
CbC Limit Metrics View (Call by Call) logs of denied calls
Hunt Group Metrics Reset metrics by hunt group
PSTN Fallback Metrics Reset PSTN fallback metrics
PVQM View voice quality metrics.
BCM Monitor Launch BCM Monitor
Ping Send an ICMP packet to the selected switch to see if it is
reachable on the network
Trace Route Perform a trace route to specified IP address
Ethernet Activity View Ethernet activity on ports
Reset Perform a reboot of BCM50 or either a warm or cold reset of
telephony services or router
Diagnostic Settings Set release reasons for ISDN or VoIP calls
Backup and Restore
Backup Perform immediate or scheduled backups
Restore Restore Administration or Configuration settings
Log Management Perform immediate or scheduled log transfers. Types of logs are
configuration change, security, alarm, system, and component
Software Management
Software Updates Scheduled updates, cancel updates in progress or retrieve new
Software Update History View details of software updates and remove updates
Software Inventory View software details
Table 6 Administration task navigation panel headings (Continued)