Chapter 4 BCM50 Security Policies and Accounts and Privileges 113

BCM50 Administration Guide
Account Management read-only Displays the method used to authenticate the user session:
local authentication, or centralized authentication through a
RADIUS server.
Exclusive access time
Specifies the amount of time left before other users are
allowed to log on to the system. Visible only to users with
administrator-level privileges.
Enable Exclusive Access This button is visible only to users with exclusive access
privileges. Opens the Enable Exclusive Access dialog box
from which you enter the amount of time that you want to have
exclusive access to the system. Exclusive Access does not
disable the access of users who are currently logged in.
Disable Exclusive Access Stops the exclusive access timer and allow other users back
onto the system. This button is visible only to users with
exclusive access privileges.

Table 24 Current Account fields (Continued)

Attribute Value Description