148 Chapter 7 Using the BCM Fault Management System
About BCM alarms
Alarms are generated by software components that are running on the BCM system, and cover
BCM services and applications.
Each component has a range of alarm IDs, so that each BCM alarm has a unique alarm ID.
Table 47 lists the components and the alarm ID ranges.
Table 47 BCM components and Alarm ID ranges
BCM Component Alarm ID Range
Core Telephony 0–999
Operating System 1000—1999
Software Updates 2000—2999
Persistent Data Repository 5000—5999
Date and Time 6000—6999
Modem Call Control 8000—8999
Service Manager 10000—10999
Platform Status Monitor 11000—11999
Backup and Restore 12000—12999
UPS 13000—13999
Configuration Change 16000—16999
System Set Based Admin 17000—17999
Startup Profile 19000—19999
System Authentication 30000—30999
Keycodes 31000—31999
Media Services Manager 40000—40999
CTE 41000—41999
Call Detail Recording 42000—42999
Voice CTI 43000—43999
Unistim Terminal Proxy Server 50000—50999
PVQM 50501—50999
VoIP Gateway 51000—51999
Media Path Server 52000—52999
Media Gateway Server 53000—53999
IP Telephony Provider 56000—56999
Survivable Remote Gateway 57000—57999
LAN Driver 60000—60999