Personal Greetings
Subscribers can record 3 greeting messages that greet callers who are directed to their mailboxes. The Personal Greeting heard by callers depends on the status of the subscriber or VPS.
No Answer Greeting: Heard by callers when the subscriber does not answer.
Busy Signal Greeting: Heard by callers when the subscriber is busy.
After Hours Greeting: Heard by callers when the VPS is in night mode.
Personal Greeting for Caller ID
Available with APT/DPT Integration only. A subscriber can record a maximum of 4 Personal Greeting messages that are played for callers whose telephone numbers (Caller ID numbers) have been assigned to a Personal Greeting for Caller ID. A maximum of 8 Caller ID numbers can be assigned to each greeting.
Personal Group Distribution List
A preprogrammed list of subscriber mailboxes that can be used (by the subscriber who created the list) to deliver a message to several recipients in one operation. Each subscriber can create 4 Personal Group Distribution Lists. Each list can have 40 members.
Personal Programming
Also known as Station Programming. PBX programming that is performed by an extension user to customise his or her extension's settings. In order to user certain VPS features, such as Live Call Screening (LCS), personal programming may be required.
PIN Call Routing
Allows preferred callers to be directed to a specific extension, mailbox, or Custom Service when they enter their assigned PIN.
Playback Volume/Speed Control
Allows subscribers to control playback volume and speed while listening to messages.
The point of connection between the PBX and the VPS.
Pound Sign
The [#] key on the telephone keypad. Also known as the "hash sign".
Private Message
A message designated by the sender as private. Private messages cannot be forwarded by the recipient.
Installation Manual