Conference and Participant Monitoring
Polycom®, Inc. 324
1Click the Connection Status tab to view the connection status, and if disconnected the cause of the disconnection.
This dialog box is the same for AVC-based and SVC-based participants.The following parameters are displayed:
Participant Properties - Connection Status Parameters
Field Description
Participant Status
Status Indicates the connection status of the participant.
Connection Time The date and time the participant connected to the conference.
Note: The time format is derived from the MCU’s operating system
time format.
Disconnection Time The date and time the defined participant disconnected from the
Connection Retries
Indicates the number of retries left for the system to connect defined
participant to the conference.
Call Disconnection
Displays the cause for the defined participant’s disconnection from
the conference. See Appendix A: Appendix A - Disconnection Causes
on page923.