IP Network Services
Polycom®, Inc. 384
IP Network Services Properties – RMX CS IP
Field Description
Service Name In the RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s, the name assigned to the IP
Network Service by the Fast Configuration Wizard.
In the RealPresence Collaboration Server Virtual Edition, this is always, “IP
Network Service.”
Note: This field is displayed in all tabs.
IPv4 IP Address
Default Router
IP Address
The IP address of the default router. The default router is
used whenever the defined static routers are not able to
route packets to their destination. The default router is also
used when host access is restricted to one default router.
Subnet Mask The subnet mask of the MCU.
Default value:
IPv6 Scope IP Address
Global The Global Unicast IP address of the
Collaboration Server.
Site-Local The IP address of the Collaboration Server
within the local site or organization.
Default Router
IP Address
The IP address of the default router. The default router is
used whenever the defined static routers are not able to
route packets to their destination. The default router is also
used when host access is restricted to one default router.