Defining AVC-Based Conference Profiles
Polycom®, Inc. 57
24 Define the following fields:
New AVC CP Profile - Message Overlay Parameters
Field Description
Enable This option is disabled by default. Select this check box to enable Message Overlay
or clear it to disable it.
Content Enter the message text. The message text can be up to 50 Chinese characters.
Font Size Click the arrows to adjust the font size (points) for the display of the message text.
Font size range: 9 - 32 points, default: 24 points
Note: In some languages, for example Russian, when a large font size is selected,
both rolling and static messages may be truncated if the message length exceeds
the resolution width.
Color From the drop-down menu select the color and background of the displayed text.
The choices are:
Default: White text on red background.
Vertical Position Move the slider to the right to move the vertical position of the displayed text
downward within the Video Layout.
Move the slider to the left to move the vertical position of the displayed text upward
within the Video Layout.
Default: Top Left (10)
Move the slider to the left to decrease the transparency of the background of the
message text. 0 = No transparency (solid background color).
Move the slider to the right to increase the transparency of the background of the
message text. 100 = Full transparency (no background color).
Default: 50
Display Repetition Click the arrows to increase or decrease the number of times that the text message
display is to be repeated.
Default: 3