Conferencing Modes Overview
Polycom®, Inc. 12
SVC video streams and Layouts
The video streams displayed in the conference layout on each endpoint is obtained from the different
streams received from each of the endpoints displayed in the layout. Depending on the size of the video cell
in the configured layout, the endpoint requests the video stream in the required resolution from the
Collaboration Server. The higher the display quality and size, the higher the requested resolution will be sent
to the endpoint. The endpoint creates the displayed layout from the different video streams it receives.
For instance, an SVC endpoint might want to receive three video streams at different frame rates and
resolutions, and create a conference layout with the received video streams. Each SVC-enabled endpoint
sends encoded SVC bit streams to the MCU to relay to the other SVC-enabled endpoints in the conference.
The endpoints encode the video in multiple resolutions and decodes the multiple video input streams.
For example:
RealPresence mobile client (2) will transmit two resolutions; one that is suited for RealPresence Desktop
client (3) and a second that is suited for two other endpoints: RealPresence Desktop client (4) and (1).
RealPresence Desktop client (1) transmits two resolutions; one that is suited for RealPresence Mobile client
(2) and a second that is suited for RealPresence Desktop client (4).
The MCU determines which of the incoming resolutions to send to each endpoint. It does not perform any
SVC encoding and decoding, or any transcoding of the video streams. The Collaboration Server functions
as the multipoint media relay to the endpoints. For voice activated selection of the video streams, the
Collaboration Server determines which of the incoming bit streams to send to each endpoint.