Administration and Utilities
Polycom®, Inc. 497
MCU Capacities in Mixed CP and SVC Conferencing
In a mixed CP and SVC conference, video resources are used according to the amount of both AVC and
SVC participants in the conference.
The ratio of resources in a mixed conference is one AVC HD (720p30) video resource to three SVC video
resources, meaning for each AVC HD video resource, three SVC video resources can be allocated.
For example, in a mixed AVC/SVC conference, 10 HD AVC ports and 30 SVC ports can be used,
maintaining ratio of one HD port to three SVC ports.
The following diagram illustrates the amount of AVC to SVC port resources that are used in a mixed
AVC/SVC conference:
AVC Conferencing - Voice
One CIF video resource equals 3 voice resources. All resources are taken from the same pool of video
Forcing Video Resource Allocation to CIF Resolution
You can set the MCU to allocate one CIF video resource to an endpoint, regardless of the resolution
determined by the Conference Profile parameters. This forcing saves resources and enables more
endpoints to connect to conferences.
The forcing is done by modifying the system configuration and it applies to all conferences running on the
You can specify the endpoint types for which resource allocation can be forced to CIF resource, enabling
other types of endpoints to use higher resolutions in the same conference. For example, you can force the
system to allocate one CIF video resource to CMAD and VSX endpoints while HDX endpoints can connect
using SD or HD video resources.
Once the endpoint connects to the conference, its type is identified by the Collaboration Server and, if
applicable, the Collaboration Server will connect it using one CIF resource, even if a higher resolution can
be used.