5–91Bar Codes
MSI Example
Figure 5–21 illustrates a horizontal and vertical MSI bar code generated by
the following program:
~CREATE;MSI (Enter Create Form Mode)
BARCODE (Bar Code command)
MSIA;DARK;32;27 (Dark Bar Code MSIA at SR 32, SC 27)
*24688642*(Data Field)
PDF;X (Printable Data Field, OCR–B)
STOP (Ends Bar Code command)
BARCODE (New Bar Code command)
(Vertical Dark MSIB, Mag 2, H 1.2 at SR 32, SC
*24688642*(Data Field)
PDF;A (Upper Data Field)
STOP (Ends Bar Code command)
END (Terminates Create Form Mode)
~EXECUTE;MSI;1 (Execute the form, form count of 1)
SR 32
SC 27
SR 32
SC 54
Figure 5–21. Sample MSI Bar Codes