8–19Error Codes
acceptable characters for the bar code symbol being used. The missing
ending delimiter also causes this error.
97 BARCODE data field too short or too long
The data field in the bar code command has too few or too many data
characters. Refer to the applicable section in the “Bar Codes” chapter to
determine the acceptable number of data characters for the bar code symbol
being used.
98 BARCODE symbol(s) exceeds the form length
The bar code command causes a bar code symbol to print below the limits of
the form. This error occurs on the data field line of the bar code.
99 BARCODE symbol(s) exceeds the form width
The bar code command causes a bar code symbol to print beyond the right
margin. This error occurs on the data field line of the bar code.
100 BARCODE variable ratio 0 or not ascending.
101 BARCODE PDF not allowed or error – LOC: A or B – FONT: N, O, X
or S
Either the alternate font was selected for a bar code or an invalid parameter
was used. Acceptable parameters must be “N” for the normal font, “O” for
the OCR–A optional font, “X” for the OCR–B optional font, or “S” to
suppress printing of the data field.
102 PDF417 bar code sizing parameter illegal or too small for data.
103 PDF417 security level has illegal value or format.
104 Dynamic BARCODE data field BFn not previously defined
Dynamic data field designated in the Execute Form mode was not defined in
the Create Form mode.
105 Dynamic ALPHA/BARCODE field number AFn/BFn error – must be
Dynamic alpha field number (AFn) or bar code field number (BFn) must
range from 1 to 255.
106 Not defined.
107 Dynamic ALPHA data field AFn not previously defined
The dynamic alpha field number called for was not previously defined in the
Create Form mode.