7–4 Multinational Character Sets
If the table has n entries, they will be used to overwrite the first n entries of
the corresponding symbol set (or overlay set). Also, the hex representation of
the characters are not permitted (you must use the decimal character values.)
The error checking is not extensive, but if an error is found, e.g., missing ‘/’
at the end of comments or bad file name, etc., the mapping does not occur.
The set should be enclosed in brackets.
For example, a “normal” table of the 3XX.map format would probably
contain 256 different values, one for each code point. The values select
which value within the multinational character table to use for each code
Leave locations 0—31 alone. They are special characters that are used
internally. They should always be mapped back to 0—31. Also, if you are
using the CG-Triumvirate font, then you will get wrong results.
The standard code table for it is not the multinational table, so the mappings
do not reselect from within the multinational table. You will really map from
one CG-Triumvirate character to another, not from the multinational table to
the CG-Triumvirate table. Finally, for PGL and VGL, the default symbol set
is 305, and the LP+ symbol set is 308.
The foreign language sets are:
500—Germany 506—Dutch
501—Swedish 507—French
502—Danish 508—Spanish
503—Norwegian 509—Italian
504—Finnish 510—Turkish