Appendix C StorNext Files
Commonly Used SNFS Files
Commonly Used SNFS Files
The following is a list of commonly used SNFS files and provides the name and location of the files installed during a SNFS installation. Each entry also includes a brief description of the file’s utility in SNFS functionality.
cvadmin — Allows you to view and modify the active SNFS system(s). cvaffinity — Associates a stripe group with a media type.
cvcp — A
cvfsck — A utility to check and repair a SNFS file system. cvfsd — SNFS server daemon launched at mount time. cvfsdb — A metadata debugging tool.
cvfsid — Provides the SNFS site identifier cvlabel — Lists and labels SNFS drives. cvmkdir — Associates an affinity with a directory. cvmkfile —
cvupdatefs — Modifies the configuration of an existing SNFS file system.
cvversions — Lists SNFS version information. fsm — A SNFS server daemon.
fsmpm — A SNFS portmapper daemon. mount_cvfs — A mount helper for SNFS. snfsdefrag — Defragments files and file systems.
fsmlist — A list of SNFS file systems that have been serviced.
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