| Contents |
| Log Rolling Options | 123 |
| Avoiding Poor System Performance | 124 |
Appendix C | StorNext Files | 125 |
| The example.cfg File | 125 |
| Commonly Used SNFS Files | 132 |
Appendix D | Quality of Service Guide | 135 |
| Overview | 136 |
| Active vs. Passive | 136 |
| Supported Platforms | 136 |
| Configuration | 137 |
| Unit of I/O | 137 |
| Converting MB/sec to I/O/sec | 137 |
| 142 | |
| SetRtio | 143 |
| Oversubscription | 143 |
| Handles | 143 |
| Ungated files | 144 |
| Calculating Available RTIO | 145 |
| Callbacks | 145 |
| Callback Failures | 147 |
| Tokens | 148 |
| Failure Semantics | 149 |
| FSM Failures | 150 |
| Client Failures | 150 |
| Client Token Releases | 151 |
| Monitoring | 151 |
| Sharing Disk Resources | 152 |
StorNext 3.1.3 Installation Guide | vi |