Overlays are often used to take the place of
2 Overlay preprinted forms and letterhead paper. See “Using Overlays” on page 4.21.
Print Order: You can set the sequence for the pages to print. Select the print order from the
| • | Normal: Your machine prints all pages |
| from the first page to the last page. |
| • Reverse All Pages: Your machine prints |
| |
| all pages from the last page to the first |
| • | page. |
| Print Odd Pages: Your machine prints | 4 | |
| only the odd numbered pages of the | |
3 | Output | • | document. | |
Print Even Pages: Your machine prints |
| |||
| Options |
| ||
| only the even numbered pages of the |
| |
| |
| document. |
Use Printer Fonts: When this option is selected, the machine uses the fonts that are stored in its memory (resident fonts) to print your document, rather than downloading the fonts used in your document. Because downloading fonts takes time, selecting this option can speed up your printing time.
About Tab
Use the About tab to display the copyright notice and the version number of the driver. If you have an Internet browser, you can connect to the Internet by clicking on the web site icon. See page 4.2 for more information about accessing printer properties.
Printer Tab
If you access printer properties through the Printers folder, you can view the Printer tab. Click the Printer tab to access the following properties:
•Optional Tray: If you install an optional Tray 2, in the printer properties window, you can tell the machine to recognize and use it for
•High Altitude Correction: If your machine is going to be used at an altitude above 1,500 m, checking this option will optimize the print quality for those circumstances.