Google Play support
For more detailed informatio n about Google Play, inc luding phone
and email support optio ns, visit
Use & customize the lock screen
You can add widgets to the top of the lock scre en and swipe be-
tween them. Lock screen wi dgets let you scan rece nt Gmail mes-
sages, Calendar entries , and other app conten t without unlockin g
your screen.
To set or change the type of lock, se e Set screen lock.
Add a widget to the lock screen
1. In por trait mode, sw ipe right across t he upper par t of the screen
until you see the Plus icon. In landscape mode , swipe right
from the left side of your scree n
2. Touch the Plus icon. If prompted, ente r your PIN, pattern,
or password.
A set of the available widgets appe ars. Apps that suppor t lock
screen widgets can add thei r own widgets to this set.
3. Touch the widget you want to ad d.
You can add up to ve widge ts to your lock screen. To move be-
tween them, swipe across th e top of the screen in portrai t mode,
or across the left side of the scr een in landscape mode .