to get back to the main Google Now screen, touch Hide sample cards.
In addition to the cards shown in the list of samples, you may also see a Public Alerts card.
Public Alerts provide emergency information from sources such as the National Weather Service and the U.S. Geological Survey. Coverage is currently provided by a limited number of key part- ners, only in the United States (excepting U.S. Geological Survey earthquake alerts). Google can’t guarantee that you’ll see every relevant alert. However, Google Now attempts to show you what’s important when you need it, in the hope that such alerts are a use- ful additional source of information. To learn more, visit support. google.com/publicalerts.
About location access, reporting, & history
Location access settings determine whether your tablet can use your current location. When location access is turned on, apps can use it to give you more relevant information, such as nearby restaurants or commute traffic.
To turn off location access for all apps, go to Settings > Personal
>Location access. If you prefer, you can turn off location access by Google apps while still permitting its use by
– just go to Settings > Accounts > Google > Location settings.