Shortcut gestures in TalkBack
Note: These gestures work onl y when Explore by Touch is turne d
TalkBack has shortcut gestures to h elp you get to your Home
screen, go back, and mor e. To try these shortcuts, swip e using a
single motion:
Up then right: Open continuous reading menu
Up then left: Home button
Down then right: Open global context menu
Down then left: Back but ton
Right then down: Open notica tions
Left then up: Recent apps bu tton
You can modify your shortcut g estures and the corr esponding ac-
tions in TalkBack by going to Settings > Accessibility > TalkBack >
Settings > Manage shortcut gestures.
Set up your tablet
Your Nexus 10 has the following hardware:
Power button/lock key. The Power but ton is located on the
right side of your tablet.
Volume. The Volume key i s directly under the Powe r button.