Other common gestures include:
Touch & hold. Touch & hold an item on the screen by tou ching it
and not lifting your nger un til an action occurs.
Drag. Touch & hold an item for a moment and then, w ithout lift-
ing your nger, move your nger on the screen unti l you reach
the target position. For examp le, you can move apps arou nd on
the Home screen.
Swipe or slide. Quickly m ove your nger ac ross the surface of
the screen, without pausing when you rst touch (so you don’t
drag something instead). For ex ample, you can slide a Home
screen left or right to view th e other Home screens.
Double-tap. Tap quickly twi ce on a webpage, map, or other
screen to zoom. For example, do uble-tap a picture in Chro me
to zoom in, and double-ta p again to zoom out.
Pinch. In some apps (such as Maps, C hrome, and Gallery) , you
can zoom i n and out by placing t wo ngers on the screen at
once and pinching them toge ther (to zoom out) or spreading
them apart (to zoom in).
Rotate the screen. The orien tation of most scree ns rotates with
your device as you turn it. To lock or unlo ck the screen’s verti-
cal orientation, swipe dow n from the top right of any screen
and touch the Rotation icon in Qui ck Settings