Location reporting refers your tablet’s ability to report your cur- rent location for the purpose of recording your location history.
Location history refers to your tablet’s ability to store your past locations, including home and work.
When you decide to use Google Now, you’ll start reporting your location and turn on your location history. Google won’t share this information with other users or marketers without your permission.
If you opted in to location history in the past, Google Now uses your previously recorded locations as well as ongoing details when making suggestions. Turning off location history pauses the collection of location information, but doesn’t delete your his- tory. To manage or delete your location details, visit http://google. com/locationhistory.
Along with location history, Google Now uses Google’s location service and GPS. To manage these settings from the Google Now screen, touch Menu > Settings > Privacy and accounts > Loca- tion services.
For more details, see “Control location access, reporting, & history.”
About Web History & other data
Google Now uses data from multiple sources to help predict what