editing movie images |
| 編輯影片影像 |
| ||
| ||||
組合兩張影片影像 |
| ||||
• | This function works only in the Play mode. page 17 | • | |
| |
• | You can combine two different movie images. |
| 此功能僅能在播放模式下操作。 | 第 17 頁 |
• | 您不能合併兩幅不同的影片影像。 |
1. | Touch the Menu ( ) tab “Edit” “Combine.” |
| 1. |
| | Edit Combine | |||
| 觸摸選單( | )標籤 |
| 「 | 」 「 | 」。 | ||
| • If the movie image thumbnail you want to edit |
| • | 如果您想編輯的影片影像縮略圖不在螢幕 | |||||||
| is not on the screen, touch up ( | ) or down |
| 上,可觸摸向上 ( | ) 或向下 ( | ) 標籤 | ||||
2. | ( ) tab to scroll to the next group of options. |
| 以捲動至下一選項組。 |
| |||||
Touch the movie images to be combined. |
| Move | 2. | 觸摸要組合的影片影像。 |
| ||||||
| • The ( ) indicator is displayed on the selected |
| |||||||
| • () 指示器會顯示在所選的影片影像上。 | |||||||||
| movie images. |
| Edit |
| ||||||||
| • | 觸摸影片縮略圖影像會在所選擇的要組合的影 | ||||||||
| • Touching the movie thumbnail image toggles |
| |||||||||
| between the movie thumbnail image being | 2 / 2 | Cont. Capture |
| 片縮略圖影像之間進行切換(() 指示器出現在 | |||||||
| selected for combining(the ( ) indicator |
| 影像上)或沒有(() 指示器從影像移除)。 | |||||||
| appears on image) or not (the ( ) indicator is |
| 3. | 觸摸 | ( | OK ) 標籤。 |
| ||||
| removed from image). |
| OK |
| |
| 將會出現「 |
| 」訊息。 | ||||
3. | Touch the OK ( OK ) tab. |
| 4. |
| Yes | Combine selected two files? | ||||
| 」。 |
| ||||
| The message “Combine selected two files?” will |
| 觸摸「 |
| ||||
| Edit |
| • | 第一幅影片影像的縮圖將顯示在合併的影片影 | ||||||||
| appear. |
| |||||||||
| 像中。 |
| |||
4. | Touch the “Yes.” |
| |||
| Partial Delete |
| ||
| • The thumbnail of the first movie image will appear |
| ||
| ||
| in the combined movie image. |
| Divide |
•It is not possible to combine two fi les that have different recording format (HD/SD).
•You can not combine the protected images. You must fi rst release the protect function to paste it.
page 78
• | The two movie images are combined in the selected |
| order and restored as a movie image. |
• | The original movie images will not be preserved. |
• | Photo images cannot be combined. |
• | You can also access it by using the Q.MENU button. |
| Press Q.MENU button. Touch “Edit.” Touch |
| “Combine.” |
• | A maximum of 2 movie images can be combined at a |
1 / 1 |
| Combine |
| 80 |
| Combine | Min |
•不可能組合兩個錄製格式不同的檔案 (HD/SD)。
•不能合併受保護的影像。必須先解除保護功能再貼上它。 第 78 頁
•您也可以使用 Q.MENU 選單來訪問它。按 Q.MENU 按鈕。 觸摸「Edit」。 觸摸「Combine」。
•一次最多可合併 2 幅影片影像。
time. |
1 / 2
74_ English | 臺灣 _74 |