1: Introducing the AirCard® 555 Network Card

• A Network Card, a


Modem, and a Phone

The AirCard® 555 wireless network card fits into a standard

• Package Contents

Type II PC Card slot (available on most notebook PCs) and

• About this Guide

functions as a wireless network card, a modem, and a mobile


phone. This card allows you to connect to the Internet, send


and receive e-mail, connect to a corporate network, and make


phone calls, without the need of a network cable or phone line.


The AirCard 555 functions in notebook PCs with these

Note: Do not insert the AirCard

into your PC Card slot prior to

Windows® operating systems: 95, 98, NT, 2000, Me, and XP.

installing the software. It is

The AirCard 555 also functions in Handheld and Pocket PCs

important to install the software

with the Windows CE 3.0 operating system.

and driver in the correct order.

The AirCard 555 operates over a type of wireless network

See Chapter 3 (notebook PCs)

called CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access). This network

or Chapter 10 (Handheld and

technology has many features beyond providing a wireless

Pocket PCs) for detailed proce-

link, including:


SMS (Short Message Service), which allows you to send



and receive short messages using the AirCard


Quick 2 Net, which provides a direct Internet connection


Use of the AirCard 555 requires that you have an account that


gives you access to a CDMA network.


Every CDMA network operates on one of three radio


frequency bands. As a dual band product, the AirCard 555


operates on two of these bands, providing a wide coverage




The AirCard operates on the original CDMA network (IS-95A)

Note: The Venturi compression

software that allows for dial-up

that provides data transmission speeds of up to 14.4 kbps

data transmission speeds of

(kilobits per second) or 56 kbps where Venturi compression is

56 kbps is available for notebook

in use. The AirCard also runs on the newer 1xRTT network

PCs running Windows 95, 98,

technology that provides data transmission speeds up to

NT, 2000, and Me only.

144 kbps. The AirCard 555 provides all the advantages of


1xRTT where it is available while allowing you to use the older



CDMA IS-95A standard where 1xRTT has not yet been imple-


mented. The benefits to you are that you can use the AirCard


in any area that has coverage (assuming there are no account


restrictions) and you will be able to take advantage of the


fastest possible data transmission speed.

AirCard 555 Basics








Rev 3.3 May.02










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Image 15
Sierra Wireless manual Introducing the AirCard 555 Network Card, SMS Short Message Service, which allows you to send