96 SunATM 3U CompactPCI Adapter Installation and User’s Guide February 2001
Connecting, Sending, and ReceivingData with the ATM Device Driver
Connecting to the ATMdevice driver involves several steps, some of which include
several ioctl calls. Tocreate a more standardized interface for user space
applications, a set of atm_util functions is available to application writers. An
overview of those functions is providedin TABLE C-4. For more detailed information,
refer to the atm_util(3) man page. The ma(7) man page contains a moredetailed
discussion of the driver-supported ioctls.
TABLEC-4 atm_util Function Overview
Name Functionality KernelEquivalent
atm_open Opensa stream to the ATM device driver Mustbe done by a userspace setup
atm_close Closesa stream to the ATM device driver Mustbe done by a user space setup
atm_attach Attaches to a physical interface Mustbe done by a user space setup
atm_detach Detaches from a physical interface Mustbe done by a user space setup
atm_bind Binds to a Service Access Point sendDL_BIND_REQ
atm_unbind Unbinds froma Service Access Point send DL_UNBIND_REQ
atm_setraw Sets the encapsulation mode to raw Send DLIOCRAW
atm_add_vpci Associates a vpci with this connection A_ADDVC ioctl
atm_delete_vpci Dissociates a vpci fromthis connection A_DELVC ioctl
atm_allocate_bw Allocatesconstant bit rate bandwidth for
this connection A_ALLOCBW ioctl
atm_allocate_cbr_bw Allocates constant bit rate bandwidth
with more granularity than
atm_allocate_vbr_bw Allocates variable bit rate bandwidth A_ALLOCBW_VBR ioctl
atm_release_bw Releases previouslyallocated bandwidth A_RELSE_BW ioctl