?wildcard, 49, 57
a configuration flag, 46, 47, 55, 68, 69 aarconfig file, 67, 68, 69
editing, 44 file flags, 45 flag options, 47
sample configurations, 50 using variables, 47
aarsetup program, 44, 67, 68, 69, 113 adapter
installing, 15 allocating bandwidth, 97 anymac variable, 48, 57 anymacsel variable, 48, 57 API, 87
allocating bandwidth, 97 atm_util functions, 96 CBR allocation, 96 device driver
connecting, 96 receiving data, 96 sending data, 96
DLPI encapsulated connections, 97 message formats, 91
q93b and device drivers, 88 raw mode connections, 97 VBR allocation, 97
Application Programmers Interface See API
ARP address resolution tables, 68
address, 34, 38, 45, 54, 66, 69 aarconfig field, 45 laneconfig field, 54 registration, 67 resolution, 67
ARP address resolution tables, 68
ARP server, 32, 33, 44, 45, 50, 52, 67, 68, 69 address, 35
caching, 69
M_PROTO mblock fields, 91 q93b driver, 89
router, 68 switch, 66
switched virtual circuit, 90 ATM Address field, 45, 47, 54 atm_util functions, 96 atmadmin program
Classical IP parameter group menu, 32 common commands, 25
ILMI parameter group menu, 32 interface configuration menu, 27 main menu, 25
parameters, 28
physical layer parameter group menu, 30 signalling parameter group menu, 31 starting, 24
system parameter group menu, 26 using, 24 to 40
atmconfig file
Index 117