Chapter 5 Editing SunATM Configuration Files 55
TABLE5-7 describes the required, optional, and illegal fields for each flag type.
aRepresentsan address that may have access to this host. If no aentries appear
in the laneconfig file,access to the host is unrestricted. Including aentries
allows access to be restrictedto known hosts. As an alternative to listing
individual addresses,the ATM address field may contain a prefix, followed by
thewildcard $anymacsel, which matches any 7-byte ESI/Selector combination
following the given prefix.This allows access by any host connected to the
switch specifiedby the given prefix. Mac Address and VCI should not appear;
ATMAddress is required. See TABLE 5-7.
cThis flagallows an alternate LECS address to be specified. By default, the
SunATMsoftware uses the well-known address specified in the LAN Emulation
standard.If, however, your LECS has a different address, or you want to
connectto the LECS over a PVC, you may provide the alternate ATM address or
VCI in a c entry.If you want to make a PVC connection, the VCI must be 17, as
requiredby the LAN Emulation standard. The interface and ATM address or
VCI must be included.
sThis flagspecifies the LES address or VCI, and instructs the system to contact
the LES directly,and to use default subnet configuration information. This flag
should be used if your subnet does not have an LECS. Withoutthis entry, the
system firstconnects to the LECS, which provides the LES address and
mNotifiesthe system that the entire ATM address, including the network prefix,
must be configuredmanually on this interface. If your interface is connected to
aswitch that does not support ILMI address registration, you must include this
option in your or /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/laneconfig file. Note that the
variables $myaddress,$prefix, and $localswitch_server (which use the
switch prefixobtained from the switch via ILMI) may not be used if ILMI
addressregistration is disabled.
TABLE5-7 laneconfig Flag Requirements and Options
Interface MACAddress/ELAN Name ATMAddress VCI Flag
required optional required illegal l
required required xor1xor1t
required Emulated LAN name illegal illegal n
required MTU size in bytes illegal illegal M
required illegal required illegal a
required illegal xor1xor c
TABLE5-6 /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/laneconfig Flag Descriptions (Continued)
Flag Description