Appendix D Troubleshooting and SunATM Error Messages 111
warning: can't plumb <lane instance>: too many lane instances
on <device>
A physical interface will support up to nlane instances, where nis the number of
MAC addresses on the board (or 1 if the board has no MAC address).Youcan
check the number of MAC addresses on a board using the count option of the
atmgetmac(1m) command. If an entry is encountered that attempts to plumb
moreLANE instances than allowed, this message occurs; processing will continue
with the next entry in the file.
warning: can't plumb signalling on <device>
warning: can't plumb classical IP interface <device>
warning: can't plumb <lane instance> on <device>
An error occurred when the script attempted to run atmplumb(1m) (either to
plumb signalling, classical IP,or LAN Emulation on an interface) with
information specifiedin /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/atmconfig. The atmplumb
programwill generally display an errormessage indicating why it failed; use that
information to check your values in the /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/atmconfig
entry for device. The script proceeds to read and processthe remaining entries in
/etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/atmconfig, although further entries for the failed
interface are not processed correctly.
warning: invalid interface <lane instance>
The minor number provided in a logical interface name was not in the range 0 -
255. The script proceeds without attempting to configure the invalid lane device.
warning: only one classical ip hostname is allowed on <device>
An additional entry was found containing a Classical IP hostname after an initial
Classical IP hostname was already plumbed for the given device. Multiple
Classical IP instances are not supported on a single physical interface. The script
ignores additional Classical IP information for a physical interface.
warning: <laneN> entry must appear before <laneN:X> entry
When you use logical interface names, the first entry in /etc/opt/SUNWconn/
atm/atmconfig must always be either laneNor laneN:0, which are
equivalent. All entries that appear before the laneNor laneN:0 entry are
Please install <SUNWatm>
A required software package is not installed on the system. Install the package
and reboot the system.
warning: extra fields for <device> will be ignored
Therewere additional fields in the /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/atmconfig entry
for the given device name. The script proceeds, ignoring the additional fields.