54 SunATM 3U CompactPCI Adapter Installation and User’s Guide February 2001
These entry fields are described in TABLE5-5.
TABLE5-6 describes the flags used in the /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/laneconfig
TABLE5-5 /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/laneconfig Entry Descriptions
Field Description
Interface Refers to the LAN Emulation interface, laneN.
MAC Address/ELAN Name This fieldis for the 6-byte MAC address of the
interface, or,in the case of an nentry, the name of the
emulated LAN to join.
ATM Address This fieldis for the 20-byte ATM address. The
$myaddress variable assigns the local switch prefix,
local MAC address,and default selector.
VCI The VCI fieldis a positive decimal integer identifying
aPermanent Virtual Circuit. Place a dash in this field if
VCI is not used.
Flag This fieldidentifies the type of entry. For a complete
description of the laneconfig flags, see TABLE5-6.
TABLE5-6 /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/laneconfig Flag Descriptions
Flag Description
lThis flagdesignates a local address entry. There must be a lentry for each
interface running LAN Emulation.The interface and the ATM address must be
included; the MAC addressmay be included (default is the MAC address
assigned to the board).
tThis flagdesignates a table entry for the local MAC-ATM address resolution
table. If you want to avoid the addressresolution process for a frequently
accessed system, for instance, you may include a tentry for that system; you
may also createPVCs with a tentry. The interface, MAC address, and either
ATMaddress or VCI (for SVC or PVC connection, respectively) must be
nThisflag allows you to specify the name of an emulated LAN to join. By default,
the SunATMimplementation will use the name provided by the LECS. If you
want to specify a differentname, or if your LECS requires that a user include a
name in its requests,a name may be provided with this flag. Interface is
required;the name should be entered in the second field.
MNotifiesthe system that a larger MTU size will be used in the ELAN that this
lane instance will join. The default MTU size is 1500 bytes. Withthe Mflag, you
can set the MTU size to be either 4 Kbytes (4528 bytes) or 9 Kbytes (9218bytes).