Chapter 5 Editing SunATM Configuration Files 43
Changing the Framing Interface in theatmconfig File
The framing interface defines the encapsulation method used for ATMcells as they
are sent onto the wire. The default framing interface is SONET,but the SunATM
software also supports the SDH interface. Yourswitch product information should
indicate which interface your switch uses.
Previous versions of the SunATMsoftware allowed you to choose a framing
interface for the entire system (by setting a variable in the /etc/system file). In the
SunATMsoftware, the system variable can be used to allow backward compatibility,
but the preferred method is to select the framing interface for each interface and to
add an entry in the /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/atmconfig file. An entry in /etc/
opt/SUNWconn/atm/atmconfig overrides a variable set in /etc/system for a
particular interface. If there is no value in either
/etc/system or /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/atmconfig, the default framing
interface is SONET.
Framing entries in /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/atmconfig should appear on
individual lines, with two fields. The firstfield indicates the interface, maN, where N
is the instance number (for example: ba0). The second is either SDH or SONET,
depending on the desired setting.
Example of an atmconfig File
The following sample /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/atmconfig file creates this
A LAN Emulation interface lane0, supporting UNI 3.1, on the ba0 interface.
An interface that supports both Classical IP and LAN Emulation on ba, using
UNI 4.0. The LAN Emulation interface name is lane1.
A Classical IP interface, supporting UNI 3.0, on ba2, which uses the SDH framing
#Interface UNI/Framing CIP_Host LANE_Instance LANE_Host
ba0 3.1 - 0 atm0
ba1 4.0 atm1 1 atm2
ba2 3.0 atm3 - -
ba2 SDH