TABLE 5-8 Predefined SunATM Variables (Continued)
Variable | Description |
anymac | A wild card representing any |
| in a entries. |
anymacsel | A wild card representing any |
| combination. Should only be used in a entries. |
? | A wild card matching one or two hexadecimal digits within |
| any |
| is equivalent to both $prefix:$anymac:?? and |
| $prefix:$anymacsel. However, it is not the same as |
| $prefix:$anymacsel:0?, which requires that the first digit |
| of the selector byte is a 0. This wild card should only be used in |
| a entries. |
Sample LAN Emulation Configurations
The following examples demonstrate entries in the /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/ laneconfig file for several common configurations.
Although some of the examples show only one sample laneconfig file, similarly configured files must appear on each LAN Emulation client.
1.Basic LAN Emulation client. The ATM and MAC address of a frequently used server is provided. The LECS provides the name of the Emulated LAN.
set srvr_mac = 08:00:20:01:02:03 |
| ||
Interface | MAC_Address/ | ATM_Address | VCI | Flag |
| ELAN Name |
lane0 | - | $myaddress | - | l |
lane0 | $srvr_mac | $prefix:$srvr_mac:00 - | t | |
2.LAN Emulation client. The LECS requires that the client send the Emulated LAN name in its messages.
Interface | MAC_Address/ | ATM_Address | VCI | Flag |
| ELAN Name |
lane0 | - | $myaddress | - | l |
lane0 | elan1 | - | - | n |
Chapter 5 Editing SunATM Configuration Files 57