specifications, ?? to 78 SunATM/P 155 MMF
illustrated, 2 sunmacselN variable, 35, 49 SUNWatm
device drivers package, 6 SUNWatma
interim API support package, 6, 7 SUNWatmu
man pages, 7
runtime support package, 6, 7 SVC, 87
switched virtual circuits, 87 system performance, 109
t configuration flag, 46, 47, 54, 55 TCP/IP parameters
increasing performance, 109 troubleshooting, 101 to 107
atmtest failure, 109 autoclient, 109 dataless client, 109 diskless client, 109 snoop command, 108
Type message, 91
UNI field, 42
UNI specification, 42, 66
UNI version, 31
variable bit rate bandwidth, 96 VBR, 97
VCI field, 45, 54
virtual circuit identifier, 36, 45
120 SunATM 3U CompactPCI Adapter Installation and User’s Guide • February 2001