Every node, or client, has both an IP address and either an ATM address or a virtual circuit identifier (VCI). See “ATM Address Resolution” on page 67, for ATM addressing scheme information.
In the
■Interface is the last part of the device name (ba0, for example).
■Hostname is either an IP address in “dot” notation or the name of a host that should be locally available unless a
■ATM Address consists of 20 octets with each octet represented by a one- or two- digit hexadecimal number and separated by colons.
■The VCI field is a positive decimal integer.
■An unused field is denoted by a hyphen.
lRepresents the ATM address of the local interface on ARP clients or systems not using an ARP server for ATM address resolution, and can be used to assign an ATM address to the host. Hostname should not appear; ATM Address should be provided if, and only if, SVCs are used. If you provide an s entry to use an ARP server (see below), you must also provide an ATM Address (a server is meaningful only in an SVC environment). See TABLE
LRepresents the ATM address of the local interface on an ARP server. Hostname should not appear; ATM Address is required. See TABLE
sSpecifies a connection to the ATM ARP server. Either ATM Address or VCI (in the case of a PVC connection) should appear, but not both. Hostname should not appear. The s entry is required on all clients that need to communicate with the server for ATM address resolution. See TABLE
Chapter 5 Editing SunATM Configuration Files 45