Appendix D Troubleshooting and SunATM Error Messages 103
The information given to ifconfig comes from the /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/
atmconfig and /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/aarconfig files. Check the entries
inthose files that apply to this interface and verify their contents. For descriptions
of the file formats, see “Editing the atmconfig File” on page42, and “Editing the
aarconfig File” on page44, or the atmconfig(4) and aarconfig(4)man
3. Check the setup_state with aarstat(1M).
This command will provide information about the Classical IP status on your
interface. The setup_state refers to the completion of the aarsetup program.
If the setup_state is setup-started, it indicates that the aarsetup program has
not completed; it may be delayed by slow switch responses, or failed attempts to
register ATMaddresses in /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/aarconfig. Make sure
that the local address given for your interface in /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/
aarconfig is unique to this switch. Using $myaddress and the reserved server
addresses is a good way to guarantee that all addressesare unique. After making
any changes to /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/aarconfig,runaarsetup again.
If the state is not setup-started or setup-finished, verify that the addresses and
interfaces in /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/aarconfig are valid, and run
aarsetup again. If you see any error messages, check their meaning in “Error
Messages” on page 110.
4. Verify the interface_state in aarstat(1M).
The interface_state is either up or down, and reflects the linkstate given in the
output of qccstat. If the linkstate is DL_ACTIVE, the interface_state is up;
otherwise, the interface_ stateis down. If aarstat indicates that the
interface_state is down, try the suggestions for a linkstate that is not
DL_ACTIVE, given in “ToDiagnose Generic Configuration Problems” on page 101.
5. Make sure Classical IP is configured correctly.
The aarstat(1M) output lists several parameters for Classical IP.The field
arpcsmodelists whether Classical IPis running as a client, a server, or standalone (a
client with no server configured). Verifythat this is correct; if it is not, check your /
etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/aarconfig file entries.
6. If the system is a Classical IP client, verify the server connection.
On systems running in client mode, aarstat also provides information about the
server.Verify the server address, and that the server_state is connected.
7. If the server_state is no-connection or connecting.
The system is likely having a problem establishing a connection to the server.Verify
that the server address is correct, and that there is a system on the network which
has registered that address. The server and applicable switch ports must also be
configured to support UNI signalling, also called Q.2931 or Q.93b.