The SunATM software has been designed to take advantage of this framework if it is installed on a system running Solaris 2.6, 7, or 8. The files necessary for the ATM SNMP agent to be recognized by the master agent (atm.reg and atm.rsrc) are copied under /etc/snmp/conf by the S00sunatm startup script if it detects that the system is running Solaris 2.6, 7, or 8. SNMP requests pertaining to the ATM Forum subtree (atmForum) are forwarded to the atmsnmpd from the master agent. In addition, atmsnmpd binds, by default, to port 1000, rather than 161, under Solaris
2.6or later. The UDP port may still be changed using atmadmin, but the default will be 1000 in Solaris 2.6, 7, or 8.
ATM and Logical Interfaces
The SunATM software supports logical interfaces in the LAN Emulation environment. Logical interfaces allow you to assign multiple IP addresses to a single Emulated LAN interface. A logical interface name consists of three parts: the device name (in the case of SunATM LAN Emulation, lane); the major number, which corresponds to the lane instance number; and the minor number, which distinguishes the logical interfaces on a single physical interface. The format of a LAN Emulation logical interface name is laneN:X, where N is the major number and X is the minor number.
Each logical interface will be associated with a unique IP hostname and address. All logical interfaces on a given physical interface will be associated with the same ATM and MAC addresses. Configure logical interfaces by placing multiple entries for a given interface in the /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/atmconfig file.
Consider the following rules when you use logical interfaces with the SunATM software:
■Only one signalling protocol (UNI 3.0, 3.1, or 4.0) is supported per interface, and must appear in the first entry for that interface.
■Only one Classical IP hostname may be assigned to an interface; it can appear in any entry, in any order, in /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/atmconfig.
■The first laneN entry on an interface must be for laneN:0, or simply laneN. laneN and laneN:0 are identical and interchangeable.
■IP limits the number of logical interfaces on a physical interface to 256
(the minor number X must be in the range 0 - 255) in Solaris 2.5.1, and to 8194 (the minor number X must be in the range0 - 8193) in Solaris 2.6 and later releases.
Chapter 8 SunATM and Solaris Networking Features 75