Appendix D Troubleshooting and SunATM Error Messages 113
Error Messages From aarsetup and lanesetup
aarsetup: could not become control process
lanesetup: could not become control process
Aninstance ofthe setup program was running when another instance was started
up. The second instance exits with this error message. Make sure that thereis not
a previous instance of the programstill running. The setup program might take a
while to complete if the switch is slow to respond.
aarsetup: could not open stream to Q93B
lanesetup: could not open stream to Q93B
The program was unable to communicate with the Q93B driver.Make sure that
you run aarsetup or lanesetup as root, and that the SUNWatmpackage has
been properly installed.
aarsetup: could not scan input file
lanesetup: could not scan input file
The program was unable to open the /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/aarconfig or
/etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/laneconfig file (or the file specifiedon the
command line). Verifythat the appropriate file exists, and has the proper
permissions. Also make sure you run aarsetup or lanesetup as root.
aarsetup: exiting because of errors
lanesetup: exiting because of errors
Errors were encountered while parsing the /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/
aarconfig or /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/laneconfig file, so the setup
program cannot successfully complete. Correct the error condition and then
execute either aarsetup or lanesetup.
aarsetup: <interface> running as a server, but PVC-only ‘t’
entries exist
The aarsetup program has found an Lentry in /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/
aarconfig, meaning that this interface will be running as a server; however,
there are table entries (tentries) containing only PVCs, which cannot be entered
into the server’s ATM ARP table. Verifyyour interface’s status (server, client, or
stand-alone), make sure all tentries include ATMaddresses, and execute
aarsetup. See “Editing the atmconfig File” on page42 for more information.