1. Product Overview 1
Product Description 1
Software Features 1
SunATM 155 3U Compact PCI Adapter 2
Hardware Features 2
SunATM 622 3U Compact PCI Adapter 3
Hardware Features 3
Hardware and Software Requirements 3
Overview of the Installation Procedure 4
2. Installing the SunATM Software 5
Checking the System for SunATM Software 5
To Check for Previously Installed SunATM Software Packages 5
Installing the SunATM Software 6
To Install the SunATM Software 7
To Check the Package Installation Usingpkginfo 8
To Check the Package Installation Usingpkgchk 8
To Remove the Software Packages Usingpkgrm 8
Configuring the SunATM Interfaces 9