36 SunATM 3U CompactPCI Adapter Installation and User’s Guide February 2001

Permanent Virtual Circuit (PVC)

The Permanent VirtualCircuit parameter applies only to standalone configurations.
It identifies the PVC that will be used to communicate between the two systems
connected back to back. Both systems must use the same PVC value. The PVC
parameter must be an integer (not hexadecimal) between 32 and 1023.
LAN Emulation Parameter Group
LANemulation, standardized by the ATM Forum’s LAN emulation 1.0 specification,
is another way of providing TCP/IP and UDP/IP support over an ATMinterface.
Address resolution information is provided by a series of LAN emulation services.
When a LAN Emulation interface is brought up, it must register with these LAN
Emulation services (known as “joining the LAN”). This registration process and the
address resolution process aredescribed in “LAN Emulation” on page 69.
Unlike Classical IP,the LAN Emulation protocol provides a broadcast service to the
upper-layer protocols. Therefore,the multicast and RIP limitations described in
“Classical IP Parameter Group” on page32 do not affect LAN Emulation interfaces.
The SunATMsoftware allows a single ATM interface to join up to 16 emulated local
area networks (ELANs), providedthat this action is allowed by the switch and LAN
Emulation (LANE) services. Each ELAN joined is represented by a uniquelane
instance (for example, lane0 or lane1).
Note – A requirement for supporting this feature is that the adapter card be
assigned multiple MAC addresses, which the adapter supports. Use the
atmgetmac(1M) command with the count option to find the number of MAC
addresses assigned to your SunATMadapter.