6SunATM 3U CompactPCI Adapter Installation and User’s Guide February 2001
If you see the pkginfo output above, your system already has the SunATM
software installed. If you are certain these are new software packages installed
from the Solaris Sun Computer Systems Supplement CD, you can install the adapter
as described in Chapter 3.
If these packages may have been installed from a previous SunATMinstallation,
remove them as described in “ToRemove the Software Packages Using pkgrm”
on page 8.
If your system does not have the SunATMsoftware installed, install the software
as described in “Installing the SunATMSoftware” on page 6.
Note – Refer to the pkginfo(1) man page for more information about the
Installing the SunATM Software
The table below describes the SunATMsoftware packages included on the Sun
Computer Systems Supplement CD-ROM. Refer to the Solaris Sun Hardware Platform
Guide for more information about the contents of this CD-ROM.
Note – For basic ATMfunctionality, the SUNWatm package is the only required
software package.
TABLE2-1 SunATMSoftware Packages
Package Description
SUNWatm Contains the device driver software.
SUNWatmu Containsthe man pages and the files required to configure an ATM
SNMP management system.
SUNWatma Contains the SunATMinterim API libraries and header files.