atmadmin Main Menu
After you start the atmadmin configuration program, you see the atmadmin Main Menu. From this menu, you can either go to the system parameter group menu (see “System Parameter Group Menu” on page 26) or enter the SunATM interface you want to configure. The following screen example is from a system with one interface named ba0.
Welcome to the SunATM Admin Program.
The following interfaces are installed in your system: ba0
[S]Modify System Parameters
[X]Exit [?] Help
Enter interface name or option: ba0
After selecting an interface, you will see the Interface Configuration menu (see “Interface Configuration Menu” on page 27).
atmadmin Navigation Commands
TABLE 4-1 Basic Navigation Commands in atmadmin
Command Action
mReturn to the atmadmin main menu
pReturn to the previous menu
x | Exit atmadmin |
?Provide more information about the options on this menu
Chapter 4 Configuring the SunATM Interfaces 25