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Section3 - 494A1494ApService,Vot. I












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This section describes unpacking, installation, pow€r requirements,storageinformationand repackag- ing for the spectrurnanaly;er.



.. Bglorg unpackingthe spectrum analyzer,inspect the shippingcontainerfor signs of externatdamage. lf the containeris damageO,nbtity the carier as well as Tektronix, Inc. The shipping Lontainer contains the basic instrumentand its standardacc€ssories. For a list of the standardaccgssori€s,refer to Section1 of this manual(or, for orderinginformation,refer to the list followingthe ReplaceableMechanicalparts list in the ServiceManual,Volume2).

lf the contentsof the shippingcontainerare incom- plete,if there is mechanicaldamige or defect,or if the instrumentdoes not meet operationalcheck require- rnents, contact your local Tektronix Field Office or representative.

Keep the shippingcontainerif the instrumentis to

be or shippedto T€ktronix tor service or repatr. -stored^

Referto Storageand Repackagingfor Shipmentlaterin this section.

The instrumentwas inspected both mechanically and electricallybeforeshipment,and it shouldbe free of mechanicaldamageand meetor exceedall electrical specifications.Th€ Operationsectionof the Operators Manual contains procedures to check functionalor operationalperformance. perform the functionalcheck procedure to verify that the instrument is operating properly. This check is intendedto satisfythe require-,ments for most receivingor incominginipections. {A detailedelectricalperformance

veriticitionprocedurein the PerformanceChecksectionof this manualprovides

acheck of afl specified pertormancerequirements,as listedin the Specificationsection.)

The instrumentcan be operatedin any positionthat allows air flow in the bottom and out the rear of the instrurnent. FEeton the four corners allow amplecfear- ance sven if the instrumentis stackedwith otherinstru_ ments. The air is drawn in by a fan throughthe bottom and expelled out th€ back Avoid locating the instru_ ment where paper, plastic, or any other materialmight blockthe air intake.

The front cover providesa dust-tightseatand a con_ venient place to store accessories and extemal waveguidemixers. Us€ the cover to protect the front panel when storingor transportingthe instrument.To removs the cover, standthe instrumenton the h^/oback feet so the name on the handle is facing up and towardsyou, and pull slightlyout and up on the sidesof the cover. Attachedto the inside of the cover is the accessoriespouch. To open the accessoriespouch, pull up evenlyon the flap.

You can position the handle of the spectrum analyzerat severalanglesto serve as a tilt stand. To stack instruments,positionthe handleat the top rear of the instrument.To changethe handleposition,pressin at both pivot points and rotate the handleto the desired position.

Removingor replacingthe cabineton the instrument can be hazardous. Only qualifiedservicepersonnelshould attempt to rernovethe instrumentcabinet.



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Tektronix 494AP service manual O a o o o o o a o o A o a o o o, Unpackingand INITIALINSPECT6N, 494A1494ApService,Vot