BioOptix™ 10

Section 3 Operation


The percent B value is the amount of Buffer B solution mixed with Buffer A. A value of zero percent B (0 %B) pumps only Buffer A. Conversely, a value of 100 %B pumps only Buffer B.

All other rows in the table define the %B that will be reached after pumping the listed volume. The system forms a linear gra- dient between inflection points. This can be observed in Figure 3-1. After pumping the initial 5 mL of 0 %B, a linear gradient is formed, reaching 80 %B after pumping an additional 20 mL.

A gradient file may contain as many as 9 inflection points.

3.4.1 Defining a Gradient

To define a gradient:

Using the table, enter the %B value and the pumped Volume in mL over which that value will be reached. Or,

Click in the plot area to add inflection points to the right of the plot. After adding a point you can click and drag the inflection point to change it.

Note that whenever the table or plot area is edited, both are updated.

The buttons below the table modify the table of inflection points.

Insert Row – adds a row above the selected row.

Delete Row – removes the selected row from the table.

Add Row – adds a row to the end of the table.

Sharp changes can be made in the gradient by entering a row with 0 mL as the pumped volume, followed by another row with the new %B and volume. Pairing rows such as these can be used to form step gradients.

3.4.2Saving the Gradient To be used in method and experiment files, the gradient file must be saved. Save the gradient by selecting the File>Save menu command. Use a descriptive file name so that it can be located later.

3.5 Methods

A method file can be created by:


• selecting the File>New>Method menu command,


• pressing the Ctrl+M keyboard buttons,


• or by clicking the M toolbar button.


A new method file displays a series of tabs. Each tab contains the


settings for each block of the method. A block is a segment of the


method that pumps buffer solution, loads a sample, or forms a



About Method Templates

When creating a new method, the BioOptix 10 software con-


figures the blocks of the method file according to a template


file—standard.tpl. This template file can be modified to suit your


applications, allowing up to ten blocks or tabs. Refer to Appendix


A for instructions.


Page 39
Image 39
Teledyne 10 manual Methods, Defining a Gradient To define a gradient